Sunday, October 27, 2013

My Vision- Preventative Medicine For All

"Preventative Medicine Reduces Morbidity Rates- WORLDWIDE!"

[World populations engage in alternative approaches to wellness; several facets of health addressed]

As a Public Health major, it is only natural that I am passionate about the health and well-being of society. However, I feel like this passion and major of mine are so much deeper than just that. Taking the health of the public into consideration when choosing a career has helped me to realize how multi-faceted health, and sickness for that matter, actually are. I believe that there are a lot of things that can help improve the overall well-being of the world's population, that simply are not made a priority in today's society.

My vision for the world is to promote and encourage "preventative medicine," or approaches in medicine, alternative medicine, etc. to help prevent disease, sickness, and overall morbidity of the population. Some of these approaches can include more importance/reliance on physical check ups. Seeing a general practitioner at least three times a year for a physical can help doctors catch diseases in the early stages (i.e. heart disease or cancer), and can boost the patient's chances of a full recovery. This example will hopefully encourage people to take on the mentality that health screenings are as important, if not more, than seeking medical attention when illness arises. When the population adjusts to this kind of mentality, and takes on a more proactive approach to wellness rather than a retroactive, I believe that this will dramatically decrease morbidity rates world-wide.

I would also like to push the importance of alternative wellness approaches, such as yoga, meditation, religious ceremonies, exercise, etc. Health is multi-faceted- meaning that there is more than one type of health in a person that must be considered, including; mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health, as examples. Approaches like these can, and do, help people improve people's well-being. Strategies, such as yoga, have proven to dramatically decrease one's stress levels. As is commonly known, stress chemicals in the body, including cortisol, can lead to weight gain (among many other things) which is a major factor to the development of heart disease, as one example. I believe that these alternative approaches to wellness will improve the overall health of the population because it will increase people's positive mentality, happiness confidence, etc. which are major factors to positive mental, physical, and emotional health.

In short, I would like to educate people about the facets of health, as well as encourage them to view health proactively so as to prevent illness before it happens. This can be achieved by spreading awareness of diseases and educating people about health risks. I think that once the population adopts these ideas and a health-conscious mindset, that morbidity rates will be reduced world-wide...and that would be a wonderful accomplishment for me to see in my career.

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