Sunday, November 3, 2013

Leadership Feedback

For this post, I decided to ask a member of my sorority to give me feedback on my leadership style, given that I serve on our Executive Council. I feel that it is often hard to get honest and open feedback
from peers because they don't want to hurt people's feelings. So naturally, I went to one of my close friends whom I know is always honest and open with me.

First, she pointed out the good aspects of my leadership style. She explained that I am good at being organized with the information I am given and expected to relay to others. I can successful influence others to work together to complete certain projects/goals. I am well-spoken and can effectively put my thoughts into words during presentations (chapter). Additionally, she told me that she thinks I am very good at collaborating with others, which helps to keep the organization, and its council, cohesive. She said that I am determined in completing things, which is good because many times results cannot be seen immediately, and perseverance is necessary.

Second, she pointed out somethings she thinks I could improve on. She said that I need to be more flexible when it comes to adjusting plans that don't work. Typically when things don't work out the way that I have planned, I get really frustrated and have a hard time adjusting the idea to make it work.
Additionally, she said I need to work on hearing people out before I make plans. I tend to move at lightening speed when it comes to completing tasks, so I have a tendency to make a plan and tell others how it needs to be executed, rather than consulting others during the planning process. Doing so will largely increase brain power going into a problem, and the results may be things that I never could have thought of on my own!
Also, she reminded me not to be so much of a perfectionist all the time because all that does is add stress to the situation. Nothing will ever turn out perfectly as it is planned, so she reminded me to go with the flow when I have to, and remember to adjust the plans as is necessary.

All in all, she was complementary on my current leadership styles, but also gave me some great pointers on things that I can improve on- things that only she can see from an outsider's perspective. This exercise was a great way to self-reflect, and get an opinion on how to improve my leadership to help better my organization!


  1. Sarah,
    I think it was very wise of you to go a close friend who would not have any problems giving you honest feedback. Also, the way that your friend gave feedback sounds great! She was able to give you the positives of you leadership style, as well as ways to improve on that great leadership style to be even better. It also sounds like you took the feedback very well, which I would say is a positive of your leadership. Great job!

  2. Hi Sarah, I really enjoyed the constructive criticism your friend gave you. Remaining flexible in a leadership role is crucial because, as she pointed out, very few plans or intentions every end up being executed perfectly and you need to remain calm and flexible to work in those situations. I too believe I need to work on getting opinions from others before I decide to execute a plan. Two brains are always better than one and collaborating with others can only make things better!

  3. I felt the same way in a sense so I know what you went through. Not becoming tooo set in stone is often a difficulty that I see in leaders that I interact with and I also struggle with. I chuckled when I read the section that said "you can not work at lightning speed". Im glad that she said that to you and I have been able to reflect it to my leadership skills. Sarah, I am very happy you posted this because I could really relate!!
