Sunday, September 1, 2013

Introductory post

Hi guys!

My name is Sarah Emily Rust. I am a junior here at THE Ohio State University. I'm a Public Health sociology major, and an intern with the American Red Cross. I'm also in Alpha Gamma Delta- a social sorority here on campus. I serve as Vice President of Campus Relations for Alpha Gam. I have a pretty cool Italian-Polish family at home in Chesterland (east of Cleveland). Fun fact, my great-grandma is 101 years old and still watches every single Indians game. I guess you could call her a die hard fan.

As far as leadership goes, I've been involved in leadership roles for as long as I can remember. Back in 7th grade I got involved with a peer leadership group called Teen Institute, which served as a positive influence group. I continued with this group through high school. We covered topics (and presented to our peers) the dangers of drugs and alcohol among other things. I was in marching band all 4 years of high school and was a squad leader for 2 of those years. Which made me top band geek I suppose- haha. I loved every second of it, and I really miss those Friday night games. Lastly, I served as Vice President of senior class. That was a fun experience. We planned prom and did fundraising for that, among plenty of other things. When college rolled around, I was pretty active in my dorm hall council and did Big Brothers Big Sisters (at Miami University, my freshman year). Since then and here at OSU, I've joined a sorority, a professional fraternity (Phi Delta Epsilon), and several other groups on campus, including Buckeyethon, the American Red Cross Club and Buckeyes for Public Health. I kinda like being busy.

With this class, I would like to better my professional leadership skills. I've always been able to be a leader for peers instead of a follower, however I would like to take the next step to being able to lead in a professional setting. For example, having an executive position within my sorority has pushed me to be able to lead and make executive decisions for the betterment of the organization, but I would like to hone those skills some more. I'm also looking forward to meeting all of the other leaders in this class, and learning more about their leadership styles!

Peace, Love and GO BUCKS! <3,

Sarah Emily.

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