Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My Mission Statement

Homework Questions 1-2
Personal Mission Statement

1.                  My personality has been shaped by many different factors in my lifetime. The greatest of these would most likely be my gender, family life, opportunities/experiences, ethnicity and geographic location. Being a white female from rural/suburban Ohio, growing up I had a very limited view on what diversity was. I was only ever exposed to people that were just like me, considering I am from a very small town in Northeast Ohio. That being said, I had a very clear idea of what it meant to be a part of a community, which, unfortunately, many other people do not. Community, staying true to its definition, is a group of people having shared location, experiences, interests, etc. or more specifically, a unified body of people. Chesterland, Ohio is just that- a community. Nearly everybody knew their neighbors and knew what was going on in the local schools. Everybody took pride in the high school football team, and read the local newspaper (Geauga Sun). Needless to say, most of us kids growing up were genuinely good kids. There wasn’t much trouble to get into, and everyone knew that if they did do something bad, it was only a matter of time until word got around and back to their parents somehow. Additionally, Chesterland is a fairly well off area, so the school district had enough money to provide unique opportunities to their students. I participated in lots of sports and lots of leadership camps because my school was able to provide those opportunities to me. Luckily, my family was also able to afford to send me to college, which is an opportunity that many other people also do not get.
            My family life and ethnicity have also intensely shaped my personality and learning preferences. I come from a real close-knit, Italian, Polish, and Irish family. So to say that we are loud and rich in tradition is a severe understatement. When I was younger I was almost always the quiet, soft-spoken, sweet one of my 9 other female cousins, but as we all got older, we realized that quiet was never going to work in this family. So being loud, outspoken and humorous, became a family trait that now all of us possess. Not to say that we don’t have our subtle differences, but our personalities are all most nearly the same; which makes us close-knit and able to relate to one another so well. It also makes family get togethers pretty fun.

2.                  My own personal mission statement would be difficult to write if I didn’t have a clear sense of who I am as a person, which is constantly changing because my life experiences alter aspects of that. But here is what I’ve got so far;

My purpose is to contribute to the world what I can with the talents that I have, both given and learned. I want to help others in any way that I can, be it in a career, daily encounters, or otherwise. I vow to stay true to my values and myself; those values being that of honesty, kindness, and traditions. Quoting a line from the mission statement of my sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, I aim “to honor my home, my country, and my religious faith…to hold truth inviolable, sincerity essential, and kindness invaluable.”

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