Sunday, September 22, 2013

MBTI and True Colors Reflection

After taking the Myers Briggs Test, I tested to be an ENFJ. The description included;

"Warm, empathetic, responsive and responsible. Highly attuned to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. Finds potential in everyone, wants to help others fulfill their potential. May act as a catalyst for individual and group growth. Loyal, responsive to praise and criticism. Sociable, facilitate others in a group, and provide inspiring leadership."

I identify with all of these things in the description. As a leader, and as a person, I always try to find the good in people, and I sincerely want others to succeed and be happy. Usually, I am also the person in a group that cannot sit at a stand-still. I need to jump start productivity and get the group moving towards it's goal. I am very outgoing and can reach out to nearly anybody, and usually can find some common ground with others to work on. I am a very emotional person and this is reflected in my passions, goals, and attitudes towards things. I'm not always sure whether this is a good or bad thing- but you can always be sure that if I'm committed to something, my heart is in it 100%.

Additionally, the true colors test proved me to be an Orange first, then Blue, then tied for Green and Gold. Orange's description included;

"Zest for life. Desire to test limits. Hunger for Variety. Excitement and light-heartedness. Spirit of Adventure. Entertaining others. Spontaneous Relationships. Impetuous nature. Crisis management skills. Charm and wit. Positive outlook."

Among the many keys to personal success addressed in this description, I find "excitement, positive outlook, and entertaining others" to be my biggest qualities. My view on leadership, and life in general, is that people should always enjoy what they are doing. I personally always try to stay excited and passionate about the cause that I am working towards. Likewise, I have a really hard time focusing on the negative. Although defeats and challenges need to be address, I do not feel that they need to be dwelled upon. I like to take things at face value, then move on. At the end of the day, stress and disappointment are always going to try and get in the way of goals. But my mentality is that if you choose to treat the stresses, etc. as challenges, it just turns the project into a fun goal again. I believe positivity is key to anything in life...if you're not having fun, or something doesn't make you happy, why bother with it!?

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